Thursday, February 22, 2007

What a help! and What a day.

Bruce gave me some great suggestions by email, and I'll probably integrate most of them... I'm hoping to figure out how to split test in the next couple of days...

Had a problem back on the home front today, so I took a few days off and flew home.

You could find this post on

Three this year.

It's happened again.
Another one of my friends has passed away, probably by her own choice.

I've lost three friends in the last 12 months.

While that is sad for them and for me, I feel worse for their families who have to adjust to living without a father or a mother.

Trauma, Stress, and Hopelessness helped propel my friends to an early end.

I mourn their loss. I was living hundreds of miles away from each of them, and while I knew that they were under stress, I didn't think they would hurt themselves. Suicide is a choice that hurts the ones around you.

If you ever think of committing suicide, Don't do it! Call for help and let someone know what you're thinking. Get the help you need.

The program is designed to help people heal from stress, trauma, anxiety and hopelessness.

Stick around, it's worth the wait.



Bruce said...

Hey Mike - powerful article. When I see clients (as an Interventionist)that have significant functional decay - I've discovered a pattern that works consistently. One of my recent clients was depressed for 22 years - went through electo-shock therapy, had her father commit suicide when he was 41, etc. Her comment very often when we met was "I don't have a reason to live" We got through that. The key is to discover the unmet needs that are making her desperate, bring that to the conscious level and provide a way in which she can get those needs met now. I've not written this book yet but one of the most important discernments as an interventionist (any interventionist)is to understand the principle Desperation Leads to Devatstation. I could write about this for hours. Anyway hope this helps - I'm available if you or your friends would like some help.

Mike Sweezy said...

I liked your comment.

I used it as the starting point for today's blog on

Desperation does lead to devastation. Let's help others learn some skills to cope and some ways to overcome those desperate feelings.

Thanks for your insight.
